Wednesday, 14 November 2012

your business' front door

When I did small business development, in what seems to me like a lifetime ago sometimes, one of the anecdotes I used with my clients was about a fellow who owned a convenience store and I rented the apartment above him. Late one spring night, I was out on my balcony and I could hear someone scraping snow off the front sidewalks. Sure enough it was the owner. This is a man who I was certain had made quite a financial success of his busines. He wore jewelry that was worth more than the car I drove at the time. My lesson to my clientele was this: when you're the owner, every job is yours, never forget that. Scraping that snow might be the most important thing he does because he wants his front door to be attractive to those passing by tomorrow morning when he opens again.
Today, anyone who is serious about succeeding in business should realize that their front door opens to the entire globe and is possibly 15" or 17 or 21". It's called your homepage and I can promise this, I don't care how much time you spend on your graphics or your theme, (and I can hook you up wiht someone very good at that sort of thing, but I digress)  whether you've gone wild or subtle or whatever-- if your business partners,customers, funders, whomever see difficult navigation, pages not being kept current and primary school spelling errors, they are not going to 'like' you on spacebook or flitter, or whatever. You're a cyberlaughingstock to professionals. The amount of effort required to address those issues is generally a lot less than what it takes for someone to remove the snow from your physical front door, but I would assume you made sure that was done. Or had the grass behind the building cut and weeds pulled in the warm seasons. Yet, as an organisation or company, a decision was made to put yourselves out there to the world and your 'best effort' is sadly lacking if that's what your homepage looks like. I think too, with a lot of comments I read on websites where people have the guts to be as nasty as they want because they can hide behind the anonymity of a user name, that there are a lot of biases out there that want to accuse our people of laziness. Why give them an opportunity when we know it's a lie. We know that, right? Your homepage, your image of yourself that you want to broadcast to the world and you're not taking time to proofread before you publish? You're listing last August or September in upcoming events? I'm supposed to be from the generation that got caught by surprise by this whole wwworld, (although my generation did kind of lay the ground work) so, you've probably got someone on staff a lot younger than me supposedly in charge of that site. maybe it has something to do with some people's work ethic from that generation.I don't know, but I suggest if that's your portal to the world, you might want to take a little Windex to the glass occassionally

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