I thought, after sharing thoughts and arguments on a number of 'news' based websites and watching how quickly people diminish the conversation by lowering themselves to base name calling and insults that perhaps, if I started a conversation and said, let's talk like this...let's be civil, it might work. My hope is that there are others who think somewhat the same way. That in the day and age of tweeting and texting and im'ing and forums and chat rooms, perhaps we could corrrespond. That is, in it's most basic defnition, to respond to one another and to the world around us. I thought that perhaps we could use prose, real sentences in real English. The language as my generation new it may be in it's death throes, but it's not dead yet.
I will post here as opportunity permits and I will point out things that I believe are right and wrong in our society as I am aware of them. I may offend some with my points of view, but I am not looking for fans, followers, or Facebookers, I am looking for structured, well thought out conversation. I will welcome opposing points of view provided the authors meet certain criteria. The first being, please check for typographical, spelling and grammatical errors prior to posting, we are adults. Second, please provide your point of view in a rational and civil manner. I believe that in conversation the person who throws out the first insult is rather like the person who throws the first strike in one another's physical presence. That is the person who ran out of ideas first. Let's not do that, lets' bring ideas here. Corroborating your point of view with actual data would be ideal, I will try to do the same, but a lot of my opinions-- at this age especially-- have been baptised only in the fires of personal experience, and in such cases, I will admit as much. Also, I will delete any responses that I deem laced with 'isms'; it's my blog, it is my editorial right. I will not tolerate racism, sexism, elitism, et cetera. Etceterism is particularly distasteful. I am the world's greatest fan of humor and the humor I admire and enjoy the most is wit. I hope that people out there will respond to this overture in a positive way and I will enjoy reading your postings. Stay tuned, I am not terribly technically literate, but I am definitely opinionated!
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