No, not really. I would never do that, I really just wanted to get attention and thought I'd try this out. I hear it works pretty well for other sites and it is kind of what I want to write about. I have a question. Are people really, seriously that taken with the absolute lowest and basest levels of so-called 'entertainment' or for that matter 'news' that the media outlets of the world feel compelled to keep pandering to them? I'm not just referring to web porn either here sports fans, quick show of hands, how many people saw all the Freddie/Nightmare on Elm Street movies? Ok, ok, quick, name three plays by O. Henry. Hmmm, numbers dropped a little. Why is the novel Ulysses considered by many to be the greatest novel ever written? No one? That's depressing, how many out there can name the star of "Deep Throat" Ah ha, I have my audience back
Sorry about that, didn't want to lose your attention just yet...thanks for hanging in there. The reason I bring these things up is because when I have a question, it generally leads to other questions. For instance, can anyone guess why shows like Maury and Springer and Dr. Phil even get huge ratings? Do you know who's watching them? The same people who are watching Intervention and I better stop I'm going to get sued. People who want to see other people whose lives are worse than theirs. It isn't the pot calling the kettle black so much as the pot watching the kettle burning on the fire. I can feel better about having stepped in you know what if I can point at you and say you fell in it. No need for me to get better. That same level of thought process makes people want to a) know everything they're dishing about celebs, b) pick up just the goriest details on the news, and c) imagine that those porn stars are enjoying themselves and that they could have a sex life just like that if only whoever is parked beside them on the couch would sober up and lose 30 pounds.
I know, I've addressed some of these thing in previous articles, but it's late and I'm tired and kind of bored and I never promised anyone creativity on here. I just asked people to respond with intelligent opinions, that may have been a mistake but I digress. What, asks the enraged public minded citizen can we do to change this? Well, for a---I'm just really happy when I see those trade magazines at retail outlets or those gossip sites on the Internet and I have no idea who the featured attraction is, for b---I'll get back to you on that, and for c--it isn't going to happen so go review your wedding vows and remember what you loved about them back then. Those porn stars are all stoned by the way.
As for next question. Do you know who Ted Bundy was? Of course, right? You can even find 'rare death photos' of him on the web. He's a celebrity just as much as LiLo. He's a real life Freddy Krueger, wow. Can you name any of his victims off the top of your head? Me neither. It's something you ...and you....and you...I can see your silhoutted heads bobbing up and down out there...can do something about. Serial killers are apparently all around us. Police forces have an abyssmal record of catching them Canadian police forces would probably have a better record if they actually tried. Do you remember the names of Picton's victims? What do you remember? That the media focused over and over and over again on the fact that they almost all worked 'in the sex trade'. They're dead, why is that still relevant? To make the good cleancut girls feel safe? Nobody in history has ever looked at her parents with wonderously wide innocent eyes at the age of eight and said "I want to be a whore when I grow up" Here's what you can do, and you, and you...yeah. Write a letter, or an email, to your member of Parliament or legislative assembly. Tell them. DO NOT allow these creeps names to be publicized. Ever. There is no need. And often, way too often, it's what they wanted in the first place. When, in the rare instances that they actually get caught, one these creeps is, all the public needs to know really, is that we're safe from at least that one. Try them in closed court, don't let the press or the public have access and then drop them down the deepest hole you have. There's no reason not to. What will the response be if MP's across the country all started getting that same demand? A whole bunch of MP's racing to be the first to write that bill. Where's our tough on crime Prime Minister going to take this? I don't know, but I do know this, if the public doesn't demand it, no one will do anything. Tell your friends. Get involved, get others involved. If you really want to continue accessing the lower forms of entertainment and news, there will be plenty of other outlets still available. Stop the glorification of perverse violence. Do something. I dare you.
I'm not sure that there is anything we can do about the appalling tastes that people seem to have. I'm not even sure we would want to. Being a believer in freedom of expression can be very hard; it necessarily entails tolerating some of the most reprehensible and objectionable excesses of the exercise of that right.
ReplyDeleteWhen you grant people free speech, the downside is you have to put up with them saying disgusting things.
Hang in there, Schlomo.
Often my friend, I suppose I'm as guilty as those I criticize, but then Diogenes is said to have carried a lantern at midday looking for an honest man, not a mirror. Thanks for the comment.